Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Yet another problem with Windows and IE

Over on LeaLea, they've posted what appears to be yet another stupid problem with Windows IE. Apparently, if you have a widescreen monitor, and you set your monitor to a high resolution, IE decides that you didn't really want your text and images in the web browser to get small under that much screen real estate, and overrides all the design decisions and bumps up the size of everything. The only problem, though, is that it causes funny wrapping and crunchy, malformed images when it does it. The only way around this behavior is...get this...registry hacking.


Anonymous said...

I am now getting some feedback saying that the problem may be isolated by brand new Dell machines that ship with widescreen monitors, not if you buy the monitors separately from the computers, or from another manufacturer. Either way, it's still pretty stupid and the fact that it even exists--even stupider.

CC said...

Cool! Lea visits my blog. Between the link from BoingBoing and Make today, it's like a celebrity showcase here at Neph's place.

That's good that the problem seems isolated to a particular hardware shipping setup - a company like Dell could probably adjust their shipping registry code for IE...