Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Who's the letter writer?

Well, they've released the letters from the ransom demanders, and it sheds clues on who the perpetrator is. Check it out. Below is a comparison between the criminal's handwriting and the Iron Maiden logo:
Handwriting comparison
In particular, check out the triangle "O" and the angular "A". There are similarities to the logos for Def Leppard and Judas Priest as well.

The joke, of course, is that it's Eddie himself who is the extortionist. He's disgruntled because Iron Maiden jumped the shark after Powerslave.

Okay, with that out of the way, I wonder whether there really is something to this - the entire letter is written with that dumb Iron Maiden handwriting that every kid that listened to metal doodled on the covers of their notebooks with. I think chances are good that whoever did this had the same background. Judging by the typo's and third-grade writing style, he didn't do so well in school, either. Combined with the fact that this not-very-smart author tries to "trick" the Las Cruces Police into thinking he's from out of town, I'll bet they could get a lot of leads by asking local high school principals for lists of underperforming, metalhead troublemakers that have passed through the system over the years...


Anonymous said...

You realize, of course, CC, that if this had happened in our day, they would have asked YOU those questions ... ;)

The Night Ranger ...

CC said...

Excuse me, but I think my "Iron Maiden" font stylings were way better than this dillhole's.