Friday, February 10, 2006

Neph to present in Quebec, Gainesville

Looks like it's going to be a busy summer for yours truly. Three different trips firmed up late this week.

First, in March, some of us from NMSU Media Productions will be going to the IGDA Game Developer's Conference in San Jose, which would normally be fun enough, but it will be a working conference for us - we'll be meeting up with some game developers for a grant we're working on here at NMSU, and I'm really looking forward to meeting these guys in person.

Then in May, I'll be presenting two sessions at the 2006 National Extension Technology Conference in Gainesville, Florida. The first session is titled "Pirates" in Production: Developing 3D Educational Games, where I will be showing some of our work on the Pirates-themed educational game we're developing, and talking about various workflow and development issues for educational games. The second session will be Web Application Development using AJAX, wherein I will be showing some basic applications of AJAX and how they might be used to improve the interface for your web applications. I promise not to use the term "Web 2.0," except perhaps sarcastically.

Then in June, I'm going to be presenting a session called Practical CSS at the 2006 International conference of the Association for Communications Excellence in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. In that session, I'll be talking a bit about some CSS tips and tricks, but mostly, I'll be talking about higher-level strategies for making sure that CSS isn't just another way to make some text a different font on a page, but also your site more flexible, easier to maintain, and "future proof".

Wow, I'd better get cracking on those sessions...

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