Few things irk me more than pseudo-clergy using God to justify hatred. Six Episcopal priests are grandstanding their defiance of a bishop who (*gasp*) allowed a gay man to become a priest two years ago.
They're, of course, framing it in a "It's wrong because God says so" context, but they fail to point out that this is the Old Testament God we're talking about here, the same genius who recommended that we stone to death women who are raped anywhere but out in the wilderness. (The idea being that if they're raped deep in the woods, they might have called for help, but no one might have heard to come to their aid.)
This on the heels of states like Florida and Texas banning gay people from adopting children. Because, you know, children are better off alone than with two loving mothers or fathers, and it's better to encourage abortions by having a tightly constrained adoption landscape than to have a surplus of homes for needy children.
And of course, let's not even get into all the whining and handwringing over gay marriage. For the life of me, I don't get why anyone would support a law that says we'd rather have your daughter marry Mike Tyson than Ellen Degeneres.
But what are you going to do? People need scapegoats, and they like to feel righteous. Homosexuals make good whipping boys nowadays because there's an obscure passage in the Bible which, if you interpret it in just the right way, puts God on your side (as long as you ignore that little bit about "Above all things, love.")
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